Infertility Diagnosis
Infertility is an important and complex medical and social problem. Today, more and more couples are faced with this disease. According to statistics, the worldwide rate reached 12-17%, while in Ukraine every fifth family is infertile.
The disease of the spouses is characterized by the inability to conceive a child for one year of joint sexual life, but with the condition that the couple does not use contraception and the woman’s age does not exceed 35 years. If a woman is over 35 years old, then it is necessary to talk about the impossibility of conception in the absence of pregnancy within 6 months of living together.
For each couple, the probability of pregnancy within a particular month is almost constant, but in different families this value varies from 0 to 60%.
Why is it considered a critical term of 1 year?
It turns out that couples who stopped using contraception and tried to conceive a child had fertilization within 3 months in 50% of cases, within 6 months in 75% and in the end of the year in 90%. In 5–7% of women after 2-year conception attempts, fertilization still hasn`t occurred. Therefore, if the pregnancy does not occur for 1 year, it is necessary to seek medical help.
At the IPF Medical Center you can undergo a diagnosis of infertility of men and women in one place.
What are the types of infertility?
There are female and male types, which in both cases are associated with negative changes in the human body. Often there is concomitant infertility, when symptoms that impair fertility are present in both spouses.
There are also several types: primary and secondary. In the primary diagnosis of a woman, she had never been able to get pregnant before. In the secondary - there were one or more pregnancies previously. They could be uterine and ectopic, end in childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, or surgery.
What are the potential causes of infertility?
Some of them are common to both sexes, and some are specific to a particular gender. Some of them are related to lifestyle, others are biological.
It is proved that lifestyle can affect the likelihood of pregnancy. For example, the abuse of caffeine (about 7 cups of coffee a day), alcoholic beverages, and smoking also affects the reproductive function of the sexes. Other possible factors include body weight deficiency, overweight, obesity, certain medications (especially used to treat cardiovascular diseases), the effects of toxic substances, radioactive agents, and various types of radiation at work. This may contribute to the violation of spermatogenesis in men.
Often, a change in lifestyle and the elimination of the influence of adverse factors gives a positive result and restores the impaired ability to conceive.
What factors are found in the diagnosis of infertility?
There are common reasons for both sexes:
- inflammation of the pelvic organs.
- transferred sexually transmitted diseases.
- reversible surgical sterilization.
- past operations on the abdominal organs in anamnesis.
- common chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, etc.)
- chemotherapy or radiation therapy in anamnesis.
A significant part of the listed reasons is treated!
It must be remembered that as the duration of the disease increases, the probability of conception in subsequent years sharply decreases. This is due to many factors, the most important of which is the decrease with age of the woman's ovarian reserve (the supply of eggs in the ovaries).
However, if the duration of the disease is small (12 months), the probability of conception within the next year is 50%. Therefore, the sooner you consult a doctor, the sooner the cause will be determined and the more effective the treatment will be.
In order to effectively treat, you need to find the source for the diagnosis of infertility 1 and 2. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on reliable results after the examination. Both spouses should be examined at the same time. It is very important to know that the duration of a full study of a married couple should not exceed 2-3 months.
In order not to delay the examination, collecting tests in various medical institutions, it should be chosen specialized medical centers equipped with all the necessary equipment to perform the full scope of diagnostics in one place.
The task of the specialist is to appoint the most informative research methods, allowing to make a reliable diagnosis of infertility (1 or 2).
While being diagnosed, what diagnostic methods are used?
After determining the diagnosis on the basis of the survey data, the doctor consult the couple and offers possible treatment options. Together with the doctor you choose the method most acceptable for you.
At the present time, thanks to the success of science, highly effective methods of treating ailment have been developed and introduced into medical practice to help couples conceive a child. And you have the opportunity to take advantage of the achievements of scientific progress.
You have contacted the center, where you will be helped to diagnose infertility in full.
Do not forget, there is always hope!