Toastmaster for a wedding and Makeup for blondes with green eyes
We need to think about a good toastmaster, who takes over the entire organization of the holiday. It is worth thinking about this issue long before the celebration in order to determine and give the person time to prepare for the celebration. And if you devote your precious time to this moment, you can be sure that your holiday will be held on top, and the toastmaster will be able to rally people of different ages, interests and temperaments.
First of all, you need to choose a toastmaster based on reviews that may be left by friends, relatives, or people you don't know at all.
When you have decided on the choice of toastmaster, you need to meet with him personally. After all, it's possible that some people liked this person, but you won't like him at all, or you'll dislike him altogether. Would you like such a person to lead your celebrations?! Of course not. If you like a person, then it's time to discuss the style of your celebration, the manner of behavior. It is very important that the toastmaster has a sense of humor. You can request a video from a celebration or the phone number of previous clients who could leave feedback on the toastmaster's work.
And if you find a professional toastmaster, he will create a scenario for the event only after a personal meeting and the wishes of his client. You may find a person's agitation, incessant speech, and intemperance strange.
To create an ideal scenario, the customer and the toastmaster must meet several times. The first meeting gives the professional an understanding of the direction in which the celebration will be held, and which of the guests will be invited to the event. The second meeting allows customers to determine which points are best left and which are excluded from the scenario. And if the toastmaster is really a professional, then at the third meeting he will show you the finished script.
Makeup for blondes with green eyes
There's something magical about green-eyed blondes. And they are quite rare.
What is unacceptable in the makeup of green-eyed blondes
In order not to spoil such a wonderful gift of nature, you should exclude some shades from makeup.
So, shades of blue and light blue are completely unacceptable in makeup for blondes with green eyes. They will drown out your natural colors and generally make the image tasteless.
Pink shadows are also a very specific thing.
Not that they are generally contraindicated for this type, but they should be used very carefully so as not to create the effect of reddened eyes. You'll also have to experiment with shades.
Metallic silver is not recommended – it will completely extinguish the enchanting green of your eyes, making them watery and expressionless.
Perfect makeup for a blonde with green eyes
Blush of delicate peach tones is suitable for owners of a light skin tone. If nature has rewarded you with dark skin, or you are tanned, then it is best to use blush of light brown or golden color. Never apply too dark a tone – this will kill your natural delicate colors. But it is also impractical to completely abandon blush, otherwise you risk looking too inconspicuous.
Black eyeliner and mascara are acceptable, but it's better to use them only for evening makeup. The beauty of a green–eyed blonde will be more advantageously accentuated by warm shades - brown or gray mascara and an outline. Green mascara will give you the opportunity to experiment with your appearance.
When choosing eye shadow, it is better to play on shades of brown, green and beige. Honey and golden shades will add luxury and a certain glamor to the image. Dark purple and plum are also acceptable – they will make the look mysterious and deep.
Lip makeup shades are delicate, pastel. It can be golden, light pink, or lilac in color. More intense shades – pink, coral – are acceptable for evening makeup. However, keep in mind that in this case, you should apply moderate eye makeup.
When choosing a lip liner, try to match the color with the lipstick. Or better yet, give it up altogether, and you can add visual volume to your lips with a drop of gloss.
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