Office hysteroscopy is the gold standard of diagnosis
Oh no, surgery again, anesthesia and injections again.
Very often, listening to the diagnosis, patients react this way. It is no longer such a terrible diagnosis as the word itself - "surgery", but also under the unknown name of hysteroscopy.
Hysteroscopy is a modern minimally invasive method of examining all parts of the uterus with a hysteroscope, which is a thin backlit telescope to illuminate the area to be visualized. The name comes from the words: "hystero" - uterus and "scopy" - examination.
The development of hysteroscopy dates back to 1869, when the "endoscope" was first performed to visualize the uterine cavity. Years passed, and the method was further improved and gained popularity.
There are two main methods of hysteroscopy: diagnostic and surgical (hysteroresectoscopy).
I would like to consider in more detail the method of diagnostic hysteroscopy. The optimal period for the procedure is 5-10 days of the menstrual cycle. In order to avoid an incomplete procedure and to achieve relaxation of the patient - the operation is performed under general intravenous anesthesia. The biggest advantage of the diagnostic hysteroscope is its complex but ideal system, which is a thin tube up to 4 mm in diameter, at the end of which is a video camera and small compartments for supplying fluid to the uterine cavity. Another advantage of this method is that it does not require the use of additional surgical instruments, which makes it even safer.
At carrying out diagnostic hysteroscopy and detection of new growths in the cervical channel, or in a uterine cavity, by means of a laser resection of these sites with the subsequent pathohistological inspection is carried out.
After the operation, the patient is in the medical center for 2-3 hours. This time is enough to stabilize the body. Then the patient can return home, rest and regain strength, to return to the usual way of life the next day: go to work and do any other things. In fact, hysteroscopy is an operation not even once, but half a day!
Indications for this method of surgery are:
- menstrual cycle disorders;
- infertility (suspicion of intrauterine synechiae);
- endometriosis, narrowing or complete blockage of the mouth of the fallopian tubes;
- pathology of the endometrium (polyps, endometrial hyperplasia);
- the presence of fibroids that deform the uterine cavity;
- anomalous uterine bleeding.
It should also be understood that this procedure has certain contraindications, such as: diagnosed pregnancy, cervical or endometrial cancer, the presence of pelvic infections. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, you need to pass a package of preoperative tests before surgery.
Remember, the success of the operation depends not only on the doctor and the operating team, but first of all on your peace of mind, trust and desire to be healthy. Don't delay - act, and we in turn will help you with it.